



Sunday, March 9, 2008

A few minor changes in store for iPhone v2.0

by Will Park

It's not like there isn't already enough to get excited about with the next revision of the iPhone firmware. We've got the iPhone SDK going final, enterprise support (Microsoft Exchange), and the Apple AppStore to look forward to. What more could Apple possibly have in store for us?

Well, Doc over at Macenstein put his freakishly sharp eyes to work and spotted a couple minor changes to the iPhone UI. Pictures from the iPhone Software Roadmap indicate that Apple will be going "square" on the iPhone's calculator. The iPhone Calculator currently rocks round buttons, with the "equals" button in orange. But, if the image that Apple presented a couple days ago is any indication, Apple will be revising the iPhone Calculator buttons to a square shape. Don't Apple designers have better things to do than tweak the iPhone Caculator's buttons?

There seems to also be a likewise minor change to the iPhone's iTunes Store icon. What we see is an iTunes Store icon with a musical note graphic, as opposed to the current "download arrow" graphic. I agree with Doc when he says that the new iTunes Store icon may be a misguided move. The iTunes Store represents Music, TV shows, and movies - not just music. A "download arrow" is better suited to the iTunes Store's function than a musical note.

And, the iPhones homescreen dock could be getting a minor refresh. It's hard to tell from the fuzzy screen-capture, but the iPhone v2.0 could end up sporting a homescreen dock adorned with lines, rather than the mesh/perforated aluminum look that it currently sports.

Like I said, the changes to the UI seem to be minor at this point. We also have the AppStore icon to look forward to, but other than that, we'll just have to wait until we get more info on the iPhone v2.0's changelog.

Of course, nothing beats having access to all those promising iPhone developers' applications right on the iPhone. That and some wireless GPS love with locoGPS - at least until Apple decides to integrate GPS into the iPhone.

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